Our characters are impersonated by professional actors under the guidance of the director, who develop their own stage images and get the feel of their parts.

Despite being protected by trade marks, many our stage images are copied by "the people", preserving only external similarity.

Snow People
Snow People are one of the first stage images of the theater. In 2014, they took part in the closing ceremony of the Paralympics, represented Russia at the Venice Carnival and lead to creation of a series of OgnennieLudi (Fiery People) characters.

Yeti role is a hero from magical world. The actors are skilled in special gestual techniques and perform with props: light clouds, "crying" umbrellas, objects on rods: jellyfish, lanterns, "falling" stars, etc.


Fioki is a patented trademark of OgnennieLudi. Stage images and costumes were created in 2015 and the theater has exclusive right to use them.

* Each original Fioki is a separate elaborate character, a manner of speaking and a special "superpower".

* The original stage costume of the character is white, with RGB back light. Individually-tailored costumes can be made in color versions.


The theater offers new program for the Year of the Rabbit! HARES-RABBITS

A group of musical improvisation actors interacting with audience. A gang of Hares-musicians interacts using fragments of iconic songs, picking them up ad hoc, on the fly. In addition to voice and instrument language, the actors perform as conversationalists, use gestural art and mime.

If your program involves other expressive means, a stage image can be designed for any type of performance.

The Florals
The brightest and most explosive stage images. Gestural actors and dancers who rock and engage the audience.

The characters interact using body language, and loudly recite slogans and shouts. In the arsenal of the Florals: megaphones, cryo-cannons, huge mobile flowers for "walking", synchronized choreography, acrobatic tricks and pounds of confetti.

Brass band
The OgnennieLudi theater has its own brass band and a number of invited musicians and vocalists, with whom the team is in constant cooperation. It is comprised of string and keyboard instruments, percussion and DJ, academic vocals and fashion MC.

The main stage images of the team are badass Disco-Hares and Air Orchestra.

Musicians can also perform all stage images of the theater:
Snow People / Fioki / Disco -Rabbits
Fire Fighters
Christmas Trees Orchestra
and the like.


In addition to the main characters, Fiery People has a number of images for various styles and tasks of the event:
  • gentle Baroque style images — De la fleur characters
  • Flowers
  • Venetian mimes
  • Silver
  • Santa
and much more...

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