Fire People is an independent creative team, working in the “Fire Theatre" genre and it represents the world tradition of the street theatre in Russia.
“Fire People” theatre is a laboratory of images and special effects, mobile carnival workshop demonstrating its fire-and-pyrotechnics shows to the Russian and the international public.
Working simultaneously with strict forms and improvisation “Fire People” maintain the balance between a theatre and a circus, a trick and human sincerity, danger and fun. Moreover, the group was lucky to work in dialog with the leading European street theatres (Studio Festi - Italy, la Salamandre - France, Continuo – Check Republic).
The hallmark of “Fire People” is the sincerity of artists and the reality of actions.
This professional partnership of street artists includes the graduates of theatre ("Boris Shchukin theatre institute”, GITIS) and circus (GUTSI, TSTSI (Center for Circus Arts)) schools, street theatre school of Slava Polunin (ShUT, "Ship of Fools"), winning theatre awards ("Fringe first" - Edinburg, "Golden Mask") and those who spent decades of their lives to the dramatic art. These are people in the first place.
The members of the theatre remain the same since 2005.
Since the theatre was founded it represents an exclusive agency providing talented artists and shows within various events.